TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - SZR: Car DVR, Anti Theft, and you
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Subject SZR: Car DVR, Anti Theft, and you
Posted by Zsgetyoulaid on February 09, 2016 at 4:55 AM
  This message has been viewed 467 times.
Message 2 parts:

1. Up late (insomnia) and due to some relatively recent events, Ive been looking at investing in a concealed video/audio dvr system for my car, but havent found anything worth buying. Anyone have one installed that theyre happy with?

2. A lot of these systems proclaim the selling point of being "anti-theft". So that got me thinking. I remember years ago a guy in Chicago had his custom Z stolen (thread here: [ ] ). We think it was put on a flatbed. Which brings me to part 2. If someone has a flatbed tow truck or some other tow vehicle, how can you keep them from stealing your car? Or for that matter, a motorcycle? Seems like if you had access to liberate a good towing setup for a short period of time, you could score yourself any car on the block in short order.

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